
This website allows you to report information about concerning behaviors or incidents in our FAU community. Please read the description of each category and choose the appropriate report by selecting the corresponding link for the issue you wish to report.

KU体育官网APP supports a standard of care, 安全, 安全, and inclusion to provide the best educational and work environment possible. You 可以 help FAU maintain this standard by reporting conduct violations, 不正当的性行为, 歧视或骚扰, 对社区成员福祉的一般关注, 伦理问题, or other potential issues or threats to the FAU community.

If you are concerned about your 安全 or the 安全 of others for an immediate threat, CONTACT 9-1-1 or call the FAU Police Department at 561-297-3500.



Go to the Sexual Misconduct or 性别歧视 Report 为m (Title IX) 

报告不当性行为. 事故包括但不限于:

  • 约会暴力
  • 家庭暴力
  • 强行强奸
  • 强行鸡奸
  • 强行爱抚
  • 持械进行性侵犯
  • 乱伦
  • 跟踪
  • 法定强奸罪
  • 性骚扰
  • 性别歧视
  • Retaliation based on prior 不正当的性行为 report

如需进一步资料,请下载 Anti-discrimination and Anti-harassment Regulation 和  反歧视/反骚扰政策 或浏览 民权办公室和教育法第九条网站.


Go to the Harrassment or Discrimination Report 为m

Report incidents of discrimination and/or harassment (not included as 不正当的性行为 above) based on:

  • 比赛
  • 国家的起源
  • 婚姻状况
  • 性取向
  • Color
  • 资深地位
  • 政治面貌
  • 性别认同或表达
  • 宗教
  • 年龄
  • 残疾
  • 基于先前歧视报告的报复

为 further information on Anti-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment, download the Anti-discrimination and Anti-harassment Regulation 和 反歧视/反骚扰政策 或浏览 民权办公室和教育法第九条网站.



报告令人担忧的行为. 可报告的行为可能包括, 但不限于, a student who you feel may be struggling with physical or psychological issues, is in need of support to maintain appropriate behavior in academic areas or displays any other behaviors of concern that you would like to see addressed or would like to discuss.

为 further information on conduct issues related to a student, 下载学生行为准则 或浏览 Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution website.



Report academic integrity or social behaviors that you may feel are violations of the 学生行为准则. Behaviors may include any activities or actions that you feel are an infraction of the community standards. The 学生行为准则 (University Regulation 4.007), which provides details related to all community standards, 可以 be found in the 学生行为准则. Please note that violations of alleged 不正当的性行为 should be reported via the 不当性行为/第九条 link on this page.

为 further information on conduct issues related to a student, 下载学生行为准则 点击这里或访问 Office of Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution website.



报告与欺侮有关的问题. 没有学生组织, 学生俱乐部, 包括兄弟会或姐妹会, 殖民地, or student member of such chapter or 殖民地 shall conduct, 参与, 或者纵容欺侮行为. This policy shall 应用 to acts conducted on or off campus whenever such acts are deemed to constitute Hazing. 使朦胧包括, 但不限于, any action or situation that recklessly or intentionally endangers the mental or physical health or 安全 of a student for purposes including, 但不限于, initiation or admission into or affiliation with any organization operating under the sanction of KU体育官网APP.

想了解更多关于欺侮的信息, 查看欺侮政策 或浏览 兄弟会和姐妹会生活办公室网站.



Report general student concerns that you would like to be addressed by the Dean of Students Office.


Go to the Reporting 为m > 

报告与粮食不安全有关的问题. Students may use this form to self-report needs and seek resources from the Beyond Food program.  教师, staff and community members may  also refer 学生 that are hungry or in need of basic hygiene products.  Students will be provided with up to a 3-day supply of food and/or personal products (e.g. 肥皂、香波等).   This program provides 学生 with various resources to assist in raising food 安全 levels in order to support holistic well-being and academic success.   

为 further information about Beyond Food Program, click 在这里.




Report allegations of waste, fraud and abuse within the University. 

对废物的关注, fraud and abuse may be reported through the anonymous complaint form on the FAU Inspector's General's Website, 或致电FAU第三方道德热线 www.lighthouse-services.com/fau.

为 further information on Waste, Fraud, and Abuse, 下载规例5.011大学道德, 下载大学欺诈政策.9,或浏览 合规和道德办公室



Go to the Office Of Civil Rights And Title IX - Appeal 为m

所有参与OEI调查的人  可以  对裁决提出上诉  关于  responsibility, a dismissal of a formal complaint, or a dismissal of any allegations of a complaint 上诉表格必须  提交  within five (5) business days of the dismissal or determination.   

Appeals will only be accepted on the following basis:  

  1. Procedural irregularity that affected the outcome of the matter; and/or  
  2. New evidence that was not available at the time of determination 关于 responsibility or dismissal that could affect the outcome of the matter; and/or 
  3. 第九条协调员, 调查员(s), or decision-maker(s) had a conflict of interest or a bias for or against complainant(s) or respondent(s) generally or the individual complainant or respondent that affected the outcome of the matter. 


为  额外的  信息,  contact the Office Of Civil Rights And Title IX at 561-297-3004. 


报告大学内部的道德问题. 联系FAU首席合规官 & Ethics Officer at 561-297-3004 or submit an anonymous report to FAU’s third-party ethics hotline at www.lighthouse-services.com/fau.